“Should I take a gap year?” After graduation, many students are faced with this question. I actually took one gap year before I started university and I was really happy with that choice. I was able to relax, work a part-time job, and feel more prepared to start my university studies. There is no right or wrong choice, but I want to share my 5 reasons why I think taking a gap year can be beneficial.

1. It is an opportunity you won’t likely get often in the future
When you become a college student or enter the workforce, you may often find yourself really longing for a vacation. You can’t so easily just decide to take a year-long break from your duties, so a gap year truly is a unique opportunity. Even if you have activities planned for the year, it is still relaxing not worrying about grades.
2. It gives you time to decide
Especially in countries where you need to decide your major right away, it is intimidating. I’m so young, how could I know what I want to do in the future?? That’s why gap year was a perfect choice for me. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study or even where I wanted to study, so during my gap year, I could take my time to think about it. I could take my time to properly research and visualize the pros and cons of each university and subject. When you’re young, your mind can change really quickly, so extra time will help you find out if you start to feel differently. I will definitely write more about how to decide what to study in the future, so stay tuned for that.
3. It can help finance your studies
If you end up like me and work during your gap year, it’s a good time to save some money for your studies. Maybe a cashier job won’t pay your entire tuition, but it will be nice to have some savings in your bank account, especially if you will go to university far away from home. It will give you a feeling of independence and freedom when you can manage your finances on your own. I also didn’t have a lot of time to get work experience during school, so my restaurant job was a nice addition to my resume. When you’re young, you don’t have to worry about getting some fancy job, because even the more basic jobs teach you a lot about time management and responsibility.
4. There are many gap year programs to take advantage of
Because gap years are popular, there are many opportunities for how to spend one. Work abroad, volunteer, au pair, language courses, internships, travel, and so much more! Have you always wanted to travel to the Maldives to learn scuba diving? Do you want to revisit your old hobby you didn’t have time for during school? Now it’s your chance! This choice is really personal because it is what you make of it. What could be more exciting?!
5. Rest and recharge
This one is really important. You will have enough years ahead to work or study in the future, so a gap year is an incredible opportunity to just do nothing. Even for just a few months. A whole year of nothing might get a bit boring in the end, but definitely slow down the pace before jumping on all the great adventures. After I finished high school, I took about two months of just resting and reflecting on my high school years that were now behind me. It was such a good decision because I felt really exhausted after all my final exams and projects. Graduating is a big step, so you shouldn’t take it lightly.
Disadvantages of taking a gap year?
Unfortunately, there are also things that may discourage you to take a gap year. Some people want to start college as soon as they can so they can graduate younger. It can feel difficult to go to college after having a break from school. Many gap year programs are also expensive, so it might feel boring to take a gap year if you don’t have that many opportunities for that. Your dream internship might require you to be in college already.
When deciding about a gap year, these are valid points to keep in mind. It will come down to your personal situation and preferences, but I hope this post helps to find the best solution for you.
I’m glad you found this post, and check out the rest of my page for tips to get into your dream college and read more about my journey studying at Harvard University.